What is an Energy Baseline?
Calculating an accurate baseline is one of the first steps in identifying the impacts of any changes or new services implemented on a system. In this blog post, we'll cover why baselines are important and how to calculate your own.
What is Greenwashing?
In recent weeks, the term greenwashing has made international headlines with companies like Shell and BP coming under fire for false claims and advertising relating back to what has been called greenwashing. As this term becomes increasingly popular, it is crucial for consumers, employees, and employers to know what how to identify and avoid using greenwashing. In the following short blog post, we will give a quick overview of the topic.
What is the Industrial Internet of Things?
While the word “industrial” conjures images of factories and warehouses, the Industrial Internet of Things is a much broader term that can be used in many diverse industries, including healthcare, retail, and financial services. With applications in every industry, IIoT enables businesses to operate smoothly, while cutting expenses and increasing productivity.
What is the Internet of Things?
From traffic lights that use sensors to alleviate traffic to air-conditioning systems that automatically turn on when you're in the room, IoT makes it possible to have our daily lives fully automated, making them more efficient. This will not only make life more comfortable, but will in turn reduce costs and emissions.
What to Look for in a Peak Prediction Provider For Global Adjustment
When considering performance of peak providers, the number of Curtailment Calls is not everything. Knowing what to look for in a peak prediction provider can be the difference between missed peaks and lost Global Adjustment savings.
Why Edgecom Energy?
We reduce energy costs and emissions for large energy users by helping decision makers understand, improve and control how they consume energy and water. This is achieved through solutions that involve a combination of custom software and hardware, and our team's uncompromising focus on customer success and customer service.
Why Energy Budgets are like Credit Cards – and why that’s a bad thing
Have you noticed how much easier it is to buy something that you will pay off in a month- vs taking out all the funds from your checking account right now? It's the reason companies like Affirm are all over e-commerce these days. All those buy-now-pay-later commercials on TV work. Energy bills have the same effect. In most cases electricity and natural gas are charged on a monthly basis - this adds yet another level of dissonance between the energy used and the direct hit to the bottom line.
Why IESO Power Data isn’t enough when ‘chasing peaks’ for Global Adjustment
Historically IESO data has worked out well. For the past 10 years, proactive Class A customers have been able to hit all 5 coincident peaks with 10-14 curtailments. Depending on your definition of curtailments and how much time you need to react, 14 curtailments a year to save up-to 40% on your hydro bill is a worthwhile endeavor.
Why Predicting the Top 5 ICI Peaks is Impossible Without AI
With the increased number of ICI participants and embedded energy resources like generators and battery storage coming onto the grid, predicting the top 5 coincident peak hours is increasingly difficult. Read on to learn why AI is a necessity for predicting the Top 5 Peaks.
What is Demand Response and Capacity Auction
Demand Response (DR) programs are used by many system operators to improve grid reliability. Unfortunately, most of the available literature will give you very technical and complex answers when describing DR. This blog post aims to explain DR in digestible and straightforward terms.
What is a “Duck Curve”
The energy “duck curve” is a term used to describe the shape of a graph that represents the daily electricity demand and […]