Fulfill Your production potential


Discover dataTrack™ by Edgecom Energy, a cutting-edge platform for real-time energy and cost data. Leverage IoT and AI for enhanced operational efficiency, visibility, and cost savings.


What is dataTrack™

Discover how dataTrack™ can revolutionize your facility by enhancing energy management, cutting energy costs, and achieving your sustainability goals.

full visibility

Resources Managed

Real-time consumption and cost data for all your resources. Monitor, manage risk, and verify with accurate data.


Monitor your power consumption down to the asset-level, identify abnormalities, and plan ahead for curtailment events.


Monitor your water consumption, stay on top of leakage events with real-time alerts, and discover saving opportunities.


Monitor your gas consumption, detect abnormalities, and discover savings opportunities.


Let Data Improve The Way You Work

dataTrack™ enables real time visibility into which machines are on and how much energy they consume. This is your starting point for a more efficient, sustainable facility.

Real-time Energy Data

Real-time data is now easy to access, providing instant, accurate insights into your facility’s operations. Simplify decision-making and ensure assets run or stop as needed for peace of mind.

Alarms & Notifications

Set personalized alarms to be aware of potential issues such as machine failures or water leaks before they go wrong, not when you have to clean up the mess.

Actionable Insights

AI-driven analysis provides automatic insights and actions that speed up decision-making, reduce waste, and improve efficiency.

Sensor Groups

Create virtual production lines or sensor groups and see all your energy data related to that group at a glance. Identify energy costs per line to make improvements to reduce energy spend per unit.

Centralized Data

Portfolio visibility through a unified platform. Easily segment utility data per facility or whole, making reporting easier and decision-making faster.

Highly Scalable

dataTrack™ grows with you. Each hub supports up to 500 sensors, and our fully compatible APIs can pair with your own systems.

Controlled Energy Costs, Better Financials.

dataTrack™ will give you full visibility and control into your energy costs, so you can improve efficiency and reduce costs.


Custom Reporting

Generate instant reports to keep all stakeholders informed on past and forecasted energy costs, consumption, comparisons, and opportunities.

Optimized Energy Demand Management

Real-time visibility enables consumption baselines, so planning production to avoid high-demand peaks is easier.

Enable Cash Flow

Predictable energy costs enable cash flow and lower interest payments on unexpected energy costs.

Reduce Risk

Stay on top of energy, water, and gas consumption abnormalities like leaks or poorly performing equipment.

Making Sustainability Easier.

dataTrack™ will give you instant access to all your consumption and emission data. Paired with insights from AI Energy CoPilot and customized CSV exports, taking control of your sustainability efforts have never been easier.

Minimize Energy Waste

Improving your energy efficiency reduces consumption and your carbon footprint.

Energy Management Software and ESG

ESG Insights

AI Energy CoPilot can provide you with emissions insights and comparative analysis.


Simplify ESG Reporting

Instant access to all your consumption and emission data across your entire facility portfolio.

Lora enabled iot

Industrial IoT Hardware

Network-independent IoT hardware that installs in minutes, so you can have 



The Hub is your ultimate solution for long-range wireless communication within the Internet of Things (IoT) landscape. Powered by the LoRaWAN protocol, The Hub is engineered for unparalleled efficiency and reliability. With a single Hub, you can connect up to 500 sensors across an extended area. 
Pulse Counter Device Imagee

Pulse Counter

The pulse counter is designed to effectively and accurately monitor your facility’s consumption, providing you with real-time data for effective control and monitoring applications.

CT Meter

The CT Meter is designed to provide you with reliable and accurate electrical consumption data. Built specifically for industrial and commercial applications, this CT Meter is your key to unlocking comprehensive insights into your device’s electrical data.


Our advanced Modbus converter is designed to seamlessly bridge the gap between wired Modbus devices and modern wireless communication. This device allows you to retrofit your existing meters and sensors, and ensuring even older devices are compatible with modern software.

Case Study

Bock North America Saves Over $100K in Energy Costs with dataTrack™ and pTrack®

Bock North America, a leading company in the industrial sector, revolutionizes their energy management approach with dataTrack™ and pTrack® solutions from Edgecom Energy.

ROI Calculator

Find Out How Much You Could Save

Savings estimates can greatly vary between each facility as there are a large number of factors affecting energy operations. For a more accurate estimate contact us!

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Save 50% On Your Next Energy Efficiency Project

Learn more about Canada's Industrial Facility track.

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Save up to 50% On Your Energy Efficiency Project!

The Industrial Facility track covers up to 50% of eligible costs for your next energy efficiency project. Deadline is August 30!

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Buyer's Guide

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