The Next Generation of Energy management

AI Energy CoPilot

The AI Energy CoPilot is the future of energy management. It uses advanced tech for a personal assistant, providing quick insights into energy usage and emissions. This artificial intelligence (AI) technology speeds up decision-making and promotes proactive actions, making it an indispensable tool for facility operations.

AI Energy CoPilot

The AI Energy CoPilot is the future of energy management. It uses advanced tech for a personal assistant, providing quick insights into energy usage and machine health. This artificial intelligence (AI) technology speeds up decision-making and promotes proactive actions, making it an indispensable tool for facility operations.


Leverage AI Energy Management to Maximize Efficiency

Save Valuable Time

AI Energy CoPilot streamlines energy management, automating tasks, improving energy efficiency, saving time, letting you prioritize crucial responsibilities, enhancing operational efficiency seamlessly.

Reduce Energy Costs

AI Energy CoPilot excels at trend analysis, anomaly detection, and proposing energy-saving tactics, enhancing sustainability and cost-efficiency.

Reduce Emissions

By optimizing energy use, AI Energy CoPilot curtails CO2 emissions, helping to ensure environmental compliance, reduce costs, and enhance corporate responsibility for companies.
CoPilot Laptop Mockup

get smarter

Proactive, Intelligent Insights.

Ask Questions and Get Answers

Query information on consumption insights, costs, ranges, and comparative analysis effortlessly. Save time on data analysis as the AI CoPilot handles these tasks for you.

Transform Into a Smart Facility

Don’t fall behind in the energy transition. With the help of our IoT devices and API capabilities, and the AI Energy CoPilot, you can transform your traditional facility into a smart one. 

Smart APIs

The AI Energy CoPilot integrates with APIs, allowing it to gather real-time energy consumption data from various sources. This integration enables precise monitoring, analysis, and optimization of energy usage, facilitating data-driven decisions to improve efficiency and reduce energy consumption costs for businesses and organizations.

Custom Recommendations

Get AI energy management recommendations tailored to your specific facilities that take into account factors like location, equipment, and usage patterns.

Democratize Facility Data

Natural language interfaces democratize data access, making information available to all stakeholders regardless of their expertise, fostering collaboration and informed decision-making.

CSV Exports

Need to send off a report or create graphs? Just ask the AI Energy CoPilot to directly export your consumption, cost, emission, or interval data into a downloadable CSV file. 

Ask the AI Energy CoPilot

Behdad Circle

Give me a brief summary of my energy consumption this month.


Your overall energy consumption so far this month is 570.09 kWh. The highest energy consumer is your Boiler which consumed 250.38 kWh this month, which is 7% above the normal range. Your monthly energy consumption is in line with the previous 3 months and no anomaly has been detected.

What Else Can I Ask the Energy CoPilot?

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Faster data, faster decisions, faster revenue. Highly scalable asset and energy management platform enabling monitoring and targeting for large energy consumers.

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NeuraCharge optimizes Distributed Energy Resources, enhancing BESS management to lower costs, boost revenues, and mitigate risks using AI technology

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Demand Response

Ontario consumers can generate income by reducing demand and aiding the grid during peak stress periods, requiring occasional load curtailment.

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Say goodbye to guesswork, missed peaks, and too many curtailments. Hit 100% of peaks while averaging 9 or fewer curtailment calls using our prediction service.

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Renewable Energy

Save 50% On Your Next Energy Efficiency Project

Learn more about Canada's Industrial Facility track.

energy project

Save up to 50% On Your Energy Efficiency Project!

The Industrial Facility track covers up to 50% of eligible costs for your next energy efficiency project. Deadline is August 30!

Buyer's Guide to Industrial Energy Management Mockup

Buyer's Guide

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