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DR Standby and Activation Calls Explained
Over the past few weeks, the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) has issued an unusually high number of standby calls to participants in the Demand Response (DR) program. Although this might be frustrating for DR participants and has kept us all busy recently, there are good reasons to explain the recent increase in calls. This blog post will briefly outline why standby and activation calls are issued in normal circumstances and will explain the IESO’s recent increase in calls.
Demand Response: Ontario’s Capacity Auction Program
In modern grids, optimizing efficiency in electricity consumption and reducing strain on grid infrastructure has
Demand Response FAQ
Over the past few years, Edgecom Energy has gained a lot of experience as a Demand Response Aggregator in the Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO)’s Demand response program – now called the Capacity Auction. In this time, we have also received and answered a wide variety of questions from our customers relating to the program and how it works. In this post, you’ll find a selection of these questions and answers.
COVID-19 will lead to a huge spike in Global Adjustment in 2021
In our last blog post; we explored the impact COVID-19 will have on The Ontario Electricity Demand and how this may impact the Top 5 Coincident Peaks for the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI) program.
COVID-19 Recovery Post Hiatus & The Future of the ICI Program
Learn about the return and future of the ICI program.
Common Electricity Definitions – Learn the Electrical Lingo
Every industry has specific jargon and terms that are supposed to make communications easier. Not only do some of these confuse regular customers, but they also confuse industry professionals as the same thing is called different names by different people. See our list of common industry terms below: ICI – Industrial Conservation
Carbon Offsets and Their Role in Canada’s Future
The Canadian government has made it clear that carbon pricing is here to stay and will be a key factor in fighting climate change and reducing Greenhouse Gas(GHG) emissions in order to meet our goals set by the Paris Agreement. With this in mind, it is crucial that the ins and outs of carbon pricing are understood by all Canadians, especially commercial and industrial business owners as these groups will feel the greatest impact of carbon pricing and have the most to lose/gain from its implementation.
Benefits of Energy Management
Energy management can help optimize and bolster your company’s financials, environmental impact, and facility performance, but energy management is often not a priority for firms as they do not realize the impact it has on their bottom line. However, allocating even just a small portion of your budget to energy management can have a significant impact on increasing your long-term profits.
Auto Plant Gas Monitoring Success Story
For this casting plant and every other natural gas consuming facility in the province, having increased data visibility is the first step on the road to improving their gas usage and eventually their business. Edgecom Energy stepped in to offer their specialized energy management services tailored to help facilities with large and complex energy use profiles. By analyzing their situation, weighing potential solutions and financing opportunities, the customer’s casting plant was able to get the most bang for their buck with the help of Edgecom Energy.