Green House Gas

Ontario Launches Emissions Performance Program (EPP)

Ontario’s Ministry of the Environment, Conservation, and Parks has unveiled the Emissions Performance Program (EPP) to support large industrial emitters in reducing greenhouse gas emissions. This initiative aligns with the province’s broader environmental goals and targets industrial facilities, excluding electricity generators.

Key Features of the EPP

Funding Opportunities

  • Industrial emitters registered under the Emissions Performance Standards (EPS) Program can apply for financial support.
  • Funding covers capital- and study-based projects, such as equipment retrofits, building upgrades, heat recovery systems, and carbon capture technologies.

Eligibility Criteria

  • Participants must be part of the EPS Program.
  • Projects must demonstrate a clear potential to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Application Process

  • Interested facilities need to submit proposals through the Transfer Payment Ontario portal.
  • The submission should detail the project’s scope, expected outcomes, and emission reduction estimates.

Impact and Benefits

The EPP encourages innovation and efficiency within Ontario’s industrial sector. By providing financial incentives for emission reduction projects, the program aims to:

  • Lower overall greenhouse gas emissions.
  • Promote sustainable practices and technologies.
  • Enhance the competitiveness of Ontario’s industries by reducing energy costs and improving operational efficiency.

Launching the Emissions Performance Program marks a significant step in Ontario’s commitment to environmental stewardship and climate action. Industrial facilities are encouraged to use this opportunity to contribute to a greener, more sustainable future.

Tools to Track and Monitor Industrial Emissions

Edgecom Energy provides advanced solutions to assist large industrial consumers in monitoring and tracking emissions.

dataTrack™ assists large industrial emitters in reducing greenhouse gases by providing comprehensive real-time energy monitoring and analysis. It identifies inefficiencies and offers data-driven recommendations to optimize energy consumption, reduce waste, and lower emissions. By leveraging predictive analytics and historical data, dataTrack™ helps companies implement sustainable practices, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations while enhancing operational efficiency.

The AI Energy CoPilot helps large emitters reduce greenhouse gases by using AI to analyze energy consumption patterns, predict inefficiencies, and provide actionable insights. It recommends optimized operational strategies and energy-saving measures, ensuring compliance with environmental regulations. The AI-driven approach allows for continuous monitoring and real-time adjustments, significantly reducing energy waste and greenhouse gas emissions.

Contact Us Today to Learn More!

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