Electricity Grid Transformers

Edgecom Energy Achieves Record Capacity in IESO Auction

Edgecom Energy is excited to announce its success in the latest Independent Electricity System Operator (IESO) Capacity Auction. This year, we secured 59.3 MW for the summer period and 60.7 MW for the winter period, marking a significant increase in our contributions to Ontario’s energy grid.

Delivering Results

Our performance in this year’s IESO capacity auction highlights Edgecom Energy’s ability to drive value for Ontario businesses and communities. By helping the grid meet peak energy demands efficiently, we’re playing a vital role in ensuring reliable energy for all Ontarians.

Lower Costs and Greater Efficiency

The clearing prices in this year’s auction reflect the evolving competitiveness of the market:

  • Summer: $332.39/MW-day
  • Winter: $139.00/MW-day

These prices represent an 11% reduction for summer and a 6% reduction for winter compared to 2023, making energy capacity more affordable while still meeting growing demand.

Ontario’s Energy Future

This year, the IESO procured 15% more megawatts than last year—a testament to the province’s increasing energy needs and the auction’s success in addressing them. Programs like the IESO Capacity Auction ensure a cost-effective and reliable energy supply by using resources like Edgecom Energy’s demand response expertise.

By participating in the IESO capacity auction, we’re not just optimizing energy use but helping create a more sustainable and resilient future for Ontario. This includes reducing stress on the grid during peak periods and integrating renewable energy into the grid.

Looking Ahead

Our increased capacity contributions highlight our commitment to driving sustainable energy solutions. As the energy landscape changes, Edgecom Energy will continue to innovate and deliver services that align with Ontario’s energy priorities.

Contact us today for more information about how Edgecom Energy supports businesses and communities.

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