IESO class A versus Class B

Are You Ready to Make the Leap from a Class B Electricity Consumer to a Class A?

Electricity pricing in Ontario can be complex, especially when it comes to the Global Adjustment (GA) charge. If you’re a Class B electricity consumer, you’ve likely noticed that GA makes up a significant portion of your monthly electricity bill. But did you know there’s an opportunity to reduce that cost by opting into Class A?

This blog will help you understand what it means to be a Class A customer. Furthermore, learn who is eligible to opt in, and how to decide if it’s the right move for your business.

Understanding Class A vs. Class B

Class A consumers pay Global Adjustment based on their contribution to Ontario’s top five peak demand hours over a 12-month period. This is known as the Peak Demand Factor (PDF). The more you can reduce your electricity usage during those critical peak hours, the lower your GA charges will be the following year.

Class B consumers, on the other hand, pay a flat GA rate based on their total energy usage, regardless of when it’s used.

Who Can Opt-In?

To be eligible to opt into Class A, according to the IESO:

  • Class B customers with an average monthly peak demand factor of at least 500 kW and less than 1 MW. This is for facilities in certain manufacturing and industrial sectors. This category includes greenhouses and the following NAICS codes commencing with the digits “31”, “32”, “33” or “1114”
  • Customers with an average monthly maximum hourly demand between 1 MW and, up to and including, 5 MW. Customers in this category will be informed by their local distribution company, or the IESO, if they are an eligible market participant. The notification will happen before May 31 of each year. Eligible customers must opt in by June 15.
  • A Class B electricity storage facility
  • Customers with an average monthly maximum hourly demand greater than 5 MW are automatically opted in to be a Class A customer. These customers must opt out by June 15 of each year. 

Is Opting In Worth It?

The key to success as a Class A participant is your ability to predict and respond to Ontario’s top five peak demand hours. Reducing your load during those critical hours could save tens to hundreds of thousands of dollars annually in Global Adjustment charges.

However, the program also comes with risk:

  • If you don’t curtail during peaks—or miss the top 5 peaks entirely—you may pay more than if you had stayed in Class B.
  • It requires operational flexibility, energy visibility, and reliable forecasting tools.

Tools That Can Help

Many Class A customers use energy management software, such as Edgecom Energy’s AI peak prediction platform, pTrack®. pTrack® enables Class A customers to get real-time alerts and accurate peak predictions, helping them plan load reductions, curtailing fewer times to hit all five peaks. Leveraging Distributed Energy Resources (DERs) such as batteries or generators is another strategy to curtail for peak events with minimal impact on production. With a battery energy storage system (BESS), facilities can leverage a tool like NeuraCharge to manage their batteries’ health and ensure they’re optimized and ready for a peak event.

Final Thoughts: Should You Opt In?

Ask yourself:

  • Can your operations flexibly reduce load during 5–10 peak events each year?
  • Do you have tools or support to predict peak hours accurately?
  • Is your average monthly demand between 500 kW and 1 MW?
  • Are you looking for a way to control and reduce GA costs?

If you answered yes to these, then opting into Class A could be a smart strategic move, especially with the right technology and planning in place.

Need Help Deciding?

Edgecom Energy works with Class B consumers to evaluate potential Class A savings and provide peak prediction tools that maximize your opportunity to minimize Global Adjustment charges. Reach out to us for a free assessment of your facility’s Class A potential.

Try our Class A Vs. Class B Calculator

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