image of the electricity grid at sunset

What is the Global Adjustment Charge?

Reduce your Global Adjustment (GA) costs by understanding how GA and ICI work.

What is Global Adjustment?

The Global Adjustment (GA) covers the costs of various programs required to run the Ontario electricity grid.

It reflects the difference between the wholesale market price of electricity and the regulated rates for OPG nuclear and hydroelectric generating stations. It also covers the difference between the market price, contracted rates paid to generators across the province, and the cost of conservation programs.

What is the Industrial Conservation Initiative (ICI)?

The ICI program allows Class A consumers to manage how much GA they pay. To participate in ICI, you must become a Class A facility.

Class A or Class B?

Class A customers have the flexibility to save hundreds of thousands of dollars on their Global Adjustment by understanding and optimizing their electricity consumption on peak days. Becoming eligible as a Class A facility depends on your facility’s energy consumption and industry.

You’re eligible to be billed as Class A if your average monthly peak demand is:
ā€¢ 500 kW – 1000 kW
and you operate a manufacturing or greenhouse facility
ā€¢ Over 1000 kW in any sector (i.e industrial, shopping center, commercial building, event space etc.)

Class B customers don’t / can’t participate in the ICIĀ and are charged a flat monthly Global Adjustment cost ($ per kWh).

I’m Class A, now what?

As a Class A customer, your Global Adjustment (GA) is charged based on your peak demand during the hours in which the Ontario grid is under the most stress. The Ontario ICI program uses the Top 5 hourly peaks of each “Base Period” (more on Base Periods below) to calculate your contribution to the grid’s stress. These top 5 peak hours are called Coincident Peaks. Your consumption during the peaks sets your Peak Demand Factor (PDF). Reduce your PDF, and you reduce how much GA you pay.

How is my PDF Calculated?

Top 5 Ontario Peaks by Rank for 2023

The Peak Demand Factor is calculated by dividing the sum of demand* during the coincident peaks by the provincial demand* during those same hours.

*Note: The PDF and GA calculations are based on MWh and kWh, i.e., your ENERGY consumption during the whole hour and not actual demand. We call it demand to make it easier, but it’s actually energy.

This PDF is then used to calculate a monthly GlobalĀ Adjustment charge for each Class A load facility.

What is the timeline for Peak Days and Cost Savings?

Time line for Peak Program
The Base Period, also called the “Base Setting Period,” is when a Peak Demand Factor is set.

The PDF, set during the Base Period, calculates the GA amount due on bills starting the following July. The billing period, which goes from July to July, is called the Adjustment Period. The provincial GA amount is posted monthly here. Class A customers can calculate their monthly GA by multiplying their PDF by the Total GA (M$).

Managing the ICI program effectively is one of the most cost effective ways to reduce electricity costs, understanding the ICI and GA are the first step in creating a Curtailment Strategy that works for your facility.

Edgecom Energy’s pTrackĀ® is your premier solution for peak prediction! Harnessing cutting-edge data science, machine learning, and AI technologies, pTrackĀ® delivers precise forecasts to help your facilities stay ahead of provincial energy demands and optimize consumption. Book a demo to learn more.

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