Outsmart Rising Energy Costs

Get the Most Out of Ontario's Energy Saving Programs

Get the most out of ICI Participation and Demand Response to decrease your energy expenses and emissions in Ontario.

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How To Outsmart Energy Costs in Ontario

Grid Programs Simplified
Edgecom Energy enables easy participation in the ICI and Demand Response Programs. Helping you maximize your value and minimizing headaches.
Real-time Facility Monitoring
Use real-time monitoring to find additional energy savings and get even more from your participation in Ontario's grid incentives.
Built by Industrial Energy Experts
Built by real energy managers who understand the frustrations of navigating programs and the tedium of data management.

Get Our pTrack® Performance History

We’re confident in our peak prediction performance, and we have the data to back it up. Fill out the form on the right to receive a full historical report of pTrack®’s performance.
pTrack Performance Report Cover

All-In-One Energy Mangement Solution

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The most accurate coincident peak predictions with real-time energy price predictions, powered by AI-algorithms to ensure you will never miss a peak event.

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Real-time insights narrow down opportunities for improvement, pinpoint efficiency issues, and promote a data-backed work culture. 

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AI Energy CoPilot

Proactive, Intelligent Insights with the AI Energy CoPilot. Ask the Energy CoPilot questions, get answers, and custom recommendations.

ROI Calculator

Find out how much you could save

These calculations are based on the most optimized scenario and your actual savings may vary. 
 Contact us for a more accurate estimate.


Loved by Our Customers

Taylor Stanley

Taylor Stanley

Impact Strategy Manager

The partnership we found with Edgecom and the solution we found with pTrack® was exactly what we were looking for.

Jake Neufeld

Jake Neufeld


Edgecom has been accurate right from the start. It gave us great comfort being able to see on the dashboard these projected peaks coming in.

Brandon Hastie

Brandon Hastie

Industrial Engineer

The amount of savings that we've had this year, we're on track to over $100,000 to $120,000 in energy savings this year.

Contact Us Today!

Interested in our energy solutions? Contact us today for more information and talk to one of our energy specialists.

Free Demand Response ebook

Get Paid To Support The Grid In Ontario

Earn Payments For Reducing Peak Demand At No-Cost